hi, i'm paroma soni
I'm a data and graphics journalist, writer, and videographer. I currently work at POLITICO, previously for FiveThirtyEight, Columbia Journalism Review, BuzzFeed India, and Slate
(and freelanced for some others). I'm interested in stories at the intersections of social justice, human rights, politics and gender – stories that reveal how systems fail people.
Check out some of my best work below, or read all the stuff I've written and the graphics I've made.
10 Pie Recipes to Try This Fall
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A Pasta Hack That Will Transport You to Rome
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The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea Daily
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Creative Salad Ideas for the Veggie Lover
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The majority of Americans dislike changing clocks. Can either option squeeze more day out of the light we do have?

get in touch if you want to collaborate, hire me or just chat!
view my resume, read the stuff i've written or see the graphics i've made, and follow me for endless hot takes